We asked our teammates to share insights about pursuing engineering. Their responses make clear that — while engineering is certainly rooted in STEM — the human element factors into the equation considerably.
Was there something in particular that drew you to engineering?
Making the decision to leave teaching to switch careers was not an easy one, but when I realized I could use my other strengths (math, problem solving) while continuing to provide help to those in need, I understood engineering was the right path for me to pursue.
— Peter Galan, PE, Project Engineer
What is the most rewarding or meaningful part of your work?
The bulk of the work that I do is in residential and commercial development. I regularly see the lines I put on paper turned into communities. When you see families moving into the development you designed, it really hits home how important it is to generate designs that are sustainable and promote public health and safety.
— Daniel Mosher, PE, Project Engineer
Do you have any insight to share with an aspiring engineer?
Brace yourself for the sheer number of other professionals that engineers need to do their job well. It is a humbling experience: Soil scientists (dirt lovers); freshwater mussel experts (people who snorkel in all waters); helicopter pilots (bird survey experts); drone pilots (project photos); surveyors (people who measure stuff really carefully); grant writers (to secure funding for our clients); field scientists (for those who want office jobs without the office); contractors (who improve on engineers design); architects (make things look really nice); the list could go on forever. It is well worth coming together to meet the challenge because communities need clean drinking water and sanitary sewer systems to sustain themselves.
— James Pflaum, EI, Project Engineer Assistant
Today, EWeek is a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies. Each year, EWeek reaches thousands of schools, businesses, and community groups across the U.S.