Utility Design
At the core of Wooten’s services is a long-standing tradition of finding ways to make water work for communities of all sizes.

What do a historic neighborhood, a bicycle repair shop and a green manufacturing plant have in common?
People in built environments need reliable access to clean water coming in, sanitary disposal of wastewater going out, and stormwater managed for resiliency.
From water treatment, storage & transmission to wastewater collection, treatment & discharge, our practice teams have decades of experience designing solutions to meet the water needs of today and tomorrow. Working in tandem with Wooten’s geomatics department, our practice teams utilize data to lay the digital groundwork for a successful water project that will both serve the community and protect the environment.
Featured Projects
Berm Mitigates Flood Risk to Rural Wastewater Treatment Plant
The Contentnea Metropolitan Sewerage District gains reassurance for continuity of service. Read More
Managing Construction in Established Raleigh Neighborhood
When the City of Raleigh annexed a subdivision, it needed to extend water and sewer services to the area. Read More
Economy of Scale Enables Service to 38,000 New Customers
The Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority provides treated water to its eight member entities in Lenoir and Pitt Counties. Read More