Utility Providers
Functioning as part of your staff to tailor solutions that benefit your rate payers

Thriving communities rely on dependable, resilient utilities.
We make every effort to ensure project success by fostering strong collaboration with wastewater and water treatment utilities and streamlining the design process in several key ways.
We connect all our designs to funding sources and timetables — and create consolidated water and sewer teams within our departments — to provide clients with efficient turnkey packages. From the very start of any project, our project managers work as part of the client’s staff to provide services designed specifically for each community.
This targeted approach ensures that our water and sewer solutions are cost-effective, sustainable and customized to meet the needs of each unique community.
Featured Projects
Berm Mitigates Flood Risk to Rural Wastewater Treatment Plant
The Contentnea Metropolitan Sewerage District gains reassurance for continuity of service. Read More
Economy of Scale Enables Service to 38,000 New Customers
The Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority provides treated water to its eight member entities in Lenoir and Pitt Counties. Read More
Aging Facility Transformed into Premier Performer
A wastewater treatment plant in Eastern North Carolina is now operating at a high level to benefit the environment. Read More