Gathered on a bright fall morning on Centennial Campus at Hunt Library, overlooking N.C. State's new Fitts-Woolard Hall, the Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering inducted six alumni into its Hall of Fame.
Louis E. Wooten, Sr., founder of The Wooten Company, was among those recognized for exceptional professional accomplishments and contributions to the greater good. Gary Hartong, Wooten President, accepted the posthumous award on behalf of Mr. Wooten. Four of the honoree's grandchildren attended the ceremony.
Gary's remarks illustrated how Mr. Wooten's career endeavors helped fuel North Carolina’s expansion as a state with modern infrastructure and a diverse scope of industry, elevating quality of life, protecting the environment, and creating opportunities.
In the thick of the Great Depression – and with just $750 in his bank account – Wooten founded the firm that bears his name on October 3, 1936. He shares in the achievements of implementing the Rural Electrification Act, transforming community and economic potential across North Carolina and beyond.
Along with renowned N.C. State professor of engineering and architecture Charles Howard Kahn, Wooten designed and oversaw construction of Carter-Finley Stadium. Its award-winning lighting system earned acclaim from the Illuminating Engineering Society.
After passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972, Wooten partnered with dozens of rural communities to establish essential water and wastewater systems. Many relationships forged in the following decades are still going strong.
By definition, a legacy endures. After his passing in 1993, his family donated 21 acres to the City of Raleigh to be developed into Wooten Meadow Park. To extend opportunity for generations to come, in 1998 The Wooten Company established the Louis E. Wooten, Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship for students pursuing degrees in Environmental Engineering at N.C. State.
Today, The Wooten Company strives to carry forward with the same determination that made L.E. Wooten successful – a commitment that continues to make a lasting difference for communities across the Carolinas.
Wooten Sr. Inducted into N.C. State Civil & Environmental Hall of Fame
The Wooten Company founder was among six alumni recognized for professional accomplishments and contributions to the greater good.