City of Creedmoor Invests $2M After Roadway Infrastructure Analysis

By taking detail-oriented inventory, the entire network could be evaluated for a data-driven decision.

Location Creedmoor, North Carolina Creedmoor, North Carolina
image for City of Creedmoor Invests $2M After Roadway Infrastructure Analysis

In August 2015, The Wooten Company began the analysis of the roadway infrastructure in the City of Creedmoor. The City maintained road network was divided into logical breaks based upon blocks and varying pavement types. Most roadways were analyzed as a whole from their beginning intersection to their terminus. All roads were physically walked by Wooten staff. An observation report was completed for each roadway. Upon completion of the data collection, the road network was analyzed as a whole, culminating in the preparation of three long-term maintenance scenarios. Following the report the City under took a 2 million dollar project to rehabilitate selected sections of the City.