Coordinating with Public and Private Owners for Project Success

The joint effort with Randolph County and Waste Management guided this essential infrastructure project.

Location Randolph County, North Carolina Randolph County, North Carolina
image for Coordinating with Public and Private Owners for Project Success

The engineering endeavor, like many, was approached in two phases. The preliminary design phase involved the evaluation of the options available to Randolph County for providing the required utility services to the site including cost opinions and benefits analysis.

Following our presentation of the options identified, the Final Design Phase was initiated in accordance with the selected options. Coordination with Randolph County (the property owner) and the landfill's owner (Waste Management) was important during the preliminary and final design phases of the project. The design of the site included a turning lane at the entrance and intersection widening near the site, more than a mile of access road to accommodate heavy duty truck loads through hilly terrain, site grading for drive-on scales, water main extensions, a wastewater pump station and two miles of force main extension.