Wooten facilitated a transmission main project for the The Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority (NRWASA) which consisted of 38 miles of 42 inch through 30 inch mains extending from the 15 mgd regional water treatment plant on the Neuse River just west of Kinston to the vicinity east of Ayden in the Eastern Pine Water Corporation service area. The project also included approximately 33 miles of 8, 12, 16 and 20 inch mains to deliver water at selected points within the eight member service area. In addition to the piping, the regional delivery system project included three elevated tanks (1.5 MG, 1.0 MG, and 0.75 MG), four booster pumping stations, 18 pressure reducing valves and metering stations with related appurtenances. Wooten saw the USDA-funded project through from inception to completion as it provided not only design services, but also construction contract administration and construction observation for the 1,200 pipes, 36 elevated tanks, 64 well pumps, and 7 booster pumping stations as they were installed. NRWASA now provides treated water at wholesale rates to its eight member entities (retail providers) within Lenoir and Pitt Counties serving approximately 38,000 customers.
Economy of Scale Enables Service to 38,000 New Customers
The Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority provides treated water to its eight member entities in Lenoir and Pitt Counties.
Lenoir and Pitt Counties of North Carolina
Lenoir and Pitt Counties of North Carolina