McKimmon Center A/V Infrastructure
Our Building Systems Group performed architectural, mechanical and electrical design, as well as provided construction documents, specifications and construction administration services for renovations to the McKimmon Center at NC State University. Partnering with electrical AV design firm, Technical Innovation, our electrical engineers design their wiring design and equipment installations. A control room was built to install new servers in, which included a split system mechanical system for necessary climate control measures. Architectural renovations to the second floor control rooms and offices included carpet, tile paint, ceiling, electrical and mechanical systems.
College of Textiles Burn Chamber
Our Building Systems Group provided engineering and architectural design services, as well as bidding and construction administration for the installation of a new burn chamber in the existing College of Textiles on NC State University's Centennial Campus. The project involved coordination of the burn chamber’s controls with the design of new mechanical systems for the evacuation of heat. These mechanical systems required structural roof design to support their weight and a roof screening was installed to improve the building’s aesthetics. Additional to the mechanical equipment, gas lines to fuel the burn chamber were installed along with fire protection systems to mitigate fire hazards.
Admin II (Previously Graphics) Building Renovations
Partnering with a Prime architectural firm, our Building Systems Group performed renovations to the single story Graphics Building to house the Campus Transportation Offices. The work was completed in two phases, affording staff continued use of the facility during construction.
The extensive renovation included the fire protection system, the plumbing system, a new air conditioning system (including a variable volume air handling unit to serve separate areas in the new offices), and all of the related ductwork, piping and controls. Our team also provided design for the installation of new air distribution diffusers and grilles connecting to existing ductwork throughout the building, as well as new exhaust fans, electric unit heaters, fan-coil units, wall grilles and fire dampers. New lighting systems were provided for both the interior and exterior of the building, including a new exit/emergency light system and power sources were installed to accommodate all of the renovations and new mechanical equipment.

Elevator Modernizations
Our engineers and architects have provided design services for vertical transportation projects in more than a dozen buildings across the NC State University campus that include elevator system design, project-appropriate system selection, modernization, life safety and ADA upgrades.
The transportation systems installed in these buildings have all been non-proprietary, allowing maintenance by any elevator maintenance company, and have addressed ADA and Life Safety issues in accordance with the N.C. Building Code, Office of State Fire Marshall and Department of Labor requirements.
In the following buildings, our teams inventoried and analyzed conditions, provided schematic designs for the various options, determined accessible routes from the building exterior to the proposed elevator location, and made recommendations on the types of elevator equipment that best suited the condition of each. In addition to many other details, we evaluated emergency power systems, fire rating issues and ventilation, and provided design for the elevator cabs’ upfit of floors, lighting, paneling and switchgear:
Daniels Hall, Hillsborough Building, Mann Hall, Metcalf Hall, Monteith Research Center Parking Deck, North Hall, Phytotron, Poe Hall & DH Hill Library, Polk Hall, Ricks Hall, Bowen Hall, Tally Student Center, Carol Hall, Avent Ferry, Williams Hall, Watauga Hall, and Gold, Welch, Alexander, Turlington, Owen and Tucker Halls (Elevator Studies)