East Carolina University in Pitt County was primarily dependent on sanitary sewer system and steam system paper maps and record drawings for its daily operation, maintenance and repair efforts. The Wooten Company, whose Geomatics Team had performed extensive on-campus stormwater asset survey and condition assessment months earlier as part of a larger City of Greenville project, was asked to provide GPS survey-grade (Class AA) mapping and inventory for approximately 220 sanitary sewer and 75 steam system manholes. For the sanitary sewer system, data attributes incorporated into the geodatabase included IDs; coordinates; pipe invert elevations; connecting pipe materials and sizes; manhole depth, diameter and shape; and, photographs. For the steam system, data collection efforts included IDs; coordinates; vault diagrams; and, photographs. The deliverables included an electronic geodatabase with hyperlinks to photographs and diagrams as well as hard copy maps. Fieldwork was conducted from May-July 2015.
Prior Stormwater Project Leads to Extensive Mapping Project
A sanitary sewer and steam system GPS mapping project grew out of partnership with East Carolina University.
Pitt County, NC
Pitt County, NC