The Village of Sugar Mountain contracted with Wooten to investigate and evaluate the condition of approximately 2/3 of the Village’s streets identified for repair/resurfacing in 2016 by the Village. The Village also requested an initial assessment of the existing corrugated metal pipe (CMP) culverts that were within the pavement evaluation study area.
Inspection of the streets identified areas of concern and approximate measurements of distresses recommended to be repaired. The locations and sizes of the deficiencies were transferred to available mapping to provide a visual representation of the findings. Investigations were also conducted on options for repairing existing pipes and design was performed on 18 culverts.
The evaluation noted the types of pavement distresses that were observed during the field investigation. The distresses consisted of those that were considered moderate or severe on all the pavement areas except one street, where only repairs are desired to be performed, all distresses from slight to severe were identified for work to help protect and extend the life of the existing pavement surfaces.
The observed deficiencies noted were:
- Alligator Cracking
- Longitudinal Cracking
- Centerline Cracks or Separation
- Raveling/Rutting
- Transverse Cracks