The influent pump station wet well at the Little Creek Water Reclamation Facility in Clayton had experienced significant concrete corrosion due to hydrogen sulfide gas attack. Concrete spalling had occurred and there was exposed aggregate throughout the wet well. To develop a recommendation for remediation, our team conducted an on-site inspection of the wet well with a structural engineering consultant. Findings from the investigation were evaluated and recommendations were developed to rehabilitate the wet well structure. A summary report was prepared and delivered to the Town that identified the existing wet well conditions, included our recommendations, provided documentation for alternative corrosion resistant liner solutions to prevent the problem from recurring, and included a cost estimate for fiscal year budgeting purposes.
Wet Well Inspection Leads to Recommendation for Rehabilitation
Significant concrete corrosion due to hydrogen sulfide gas attack required remediation at the Little Creek Water Reclamation Facility.
Clayton, North Carolina
Clayton, North Carolina