Utility Coordination & Relocation
The relationship between utilities and public rights-of-way is essential to the welfare and safety of our communities.

Our utility coordinators are dedicated to facilitating and growing these relationships.
Since the earliest days of the roadway and highway system, government agencies have accommodated utilities by offering the use of public rights-of-way. It is a commonly overlooked luxury that offers an economic and reliable delivery of services such as water, sewer, electricity, communications and gas.
Regularly, infrastructure projects involve improvements along roadways and within the public right-of-way of the state highway system. Often, multiple utility conflicts may occur that need to be resolved prior to a project’s construction. Our teams coordinate solutions to such project challenges. Our utility coordination services include:
- Plans, specifications, & estimates
- Establishing financial responsibilities & negotiating cost
- Project provisions
- Schedules
- Assistance of utility issues ahead of a project’s letting
- Overseeing execution of physical relocation of facilities & fulfillment of contractual obligations
Featured Projects
Economical Trunk Sewer Incorporated into NCDOT Project
In extensive coordination with NCDOT, a new pump station and low-pressure sewer collection system were designed. Read More
Integrating Utilities into Bridges Across North Carolina
Wooten coordinated and relocated critical utilities at 86 NCDOT bridges. Read More