The Stormwater Retention Pond project was designed based on N.C.'s BMP's for a watershed of approximately 343 acres. The design objective was to attenuate the discharge of stormwater to downstream structures to allow for utilization of the existing piping and channels without causing flooding. The basin was also designed to provide treatment of the stormwater prior to discharge. The retention pond, consistent with Neuse River Rules, has alleviated flooding downstream in a very urbanized creek channel. The overall project budget was $3.5 million, which included construction of the pond and significant upstream infrastructure to deliver runoff to the pond. Construction was completed in 1998.
Stormwater Retention Pond Project Earns Statewide Accolade
The project alleviated flooding downstream in a highly urbanized creek channel.
Smithfield, North Carolina
Smithfield, North Carolina
Honors Award for Water Resources from the American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina, 1999
Honors Award for Water Resources from the American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina, 1999