Over the two weeks of the tournament, more than 700 players came to the City of Lumberton representing 60 teams from across 11 states. But the road to such a successful tournament was not an easy one for the City and its Parks and Recreation staff, as the League’s strict guidelines required that fields be updated, facilities improved, and an entirely new field designed and constructed to provide enough capacity to host so many games at once.
In August of 2017, The Wooten Company was selected to ensure that the new field would be ready. The site selected was an uncleared wooded area adjacent to the existing complex, and the effort began with a complete topographic and boundary survey of the 7.5 acre site. Ultimately the overgrown site would become home to a ball field with a 300-foot fence, an access road for maintenance equipment, lighting, a scoreboard, bleachers, under drainage and an irrigation system.
After a year of intensive work by both the design team and the City staff, the Pennington Athletic Complex Field #6 was not only completed on time, but two weeks early, giving the sod even greater opportunity to establish itself and prepare for the Dixie Youth World Series. Designed to spur economic development and earn a return on investment, successfully hosting the 2018 Dixie Youth World Series earned the City of Lumberton an additional $2-$3 million in economic impact over the two weeks it took place.
Athletic Complex Completed in Time to Host Youth World Series
In 2018, for the fourth time in the history of Dixie Youth Baseball, the league’s World Series came to the Tar Heel State.
Lumberton, North Carolina
Lumberton, North Carolina